Mitochondrial Biogenesis

Harlan Bieley, MD, MS. February 20, 2023

First of all, what are mitochondria? They are known as the powerhouses of the cell. The more mitochondria you have inside your cells, the more energy is produced. The heart has 5,000 to 8,000  mitochondria per heart muscle cell. Other cells, not so many. The mitochondria produce a chemical called adenosine triphosphate ( commonly known as ATP), and that is the primary cellular energy currency the body uses to make energy. The mitochondria also are home to 95% of the melatonin made in the body. The pineal gland creates only 5%.

Mold mycotoxins block the two transcription factors (Nrf2 and Keap1) from interacting which allows the body to produce antioxidants. The clinical consequence is a more rapid aging process due to the unchecked free radical production and not enough antioxidants to counter them This can lead to further issues like autoimmune disease or cancer.

In the past, we used to focus on the improvement of cellular energetics to make more ATP (more energy). Now we can make new mitochondria! This is truly an Anti-Aging and Regenerative medicine process.   The first dietary supplement with GRAS (generally recognized as safe) approval is a pyrroloquinoline quinone, also known as PQQ.  Is a dietary supplement,  and you can take 20mg/day, as a non-micronized formulation (Life Extension manufacturer, or obtained from Doctor’s Supplement Store).

So, if you want more energy, give PQQ a try.   Caution should be used in those with infertility and attempting to become pregnant, as PQQ has been associated with multiple live births.    It has also been shown to prevent neurotoxicity in the brain and prevent chronic heart failure by increasing the number of mitochondria in the heart muscle cells.  

Another compound is a mineral and has a plethora of effects that can be obtained from low dose of Lithium (Lithium orotate 5mg to 20mg/day).  Here are the benefits of using low-dose lithium:

  • Lithium and the brain (at these low dosage amounts *):

    • Causes the formation of new brain cells in adults.

    • Reduces the risk or prevents Alzheimer’s disease.

    • Protects the brain against nearly any toxin.

    • Increases brain protective protein- bcl-2.

  • Longevity:

    • Increases longevity at these low doses.

    • Stimulates mitochondrial metabolism in human brain cells.  

    • Stimulates mitochondrial biogenesis (makes new mitochondria) in animal endothelial cells.

  • Brain Injury:

    • Reduces brain cell death caused by an ischemic stroke.

    • Repairing brain ‘signaling pathways’.

    • Reduces Gout (lithium slows uric acid crystallization).

Slows the progression of ALS in humans. In detailing the protective effects of lithium we found for the first time that this drug stimulates the biogenesis of mitochondria in the central nervous system and, uniquely in the spinal cord, it induces neuron genesis and neuronal differentiation. In particular, the effects induced by lithium can be summarized as follows: (i) the removal of altered mitochondria and protein aggregates; (ii) the biogenesis of well-structured mitochondria; (iii) the suppression of glial proliferation; (iv) the differentiation of newly formed neurons in the spinal cord towards a specific phenotype **

  • Skin:

    • Eliminating seborrheic dermatitis (with Vitamin B6).

  • Behaviors:

    • Reduction in aggressive behavior in children.

    • Reduction in homicide, rape, burglary, and suicide.

    • Reduction of aggressive behavior in alcoholic men.

    • Reduction of recidivism (relapse) in male and female alcoholics.

    • Reduction in mental health hospital admissions.

  • Illness:

    • Inhibition of herpes simplex viruses: HSV, Adenovirus (common cold), cytomegalovirus, EB virus, measles.

    • Significantly reduces symptoms of fibromyalgia.

    • Pulls aluminum out of tissues.

  • Neurons:

    • Protects against methamphetamine-induced mitochondrial damage.

    • Protects against ethanol (alcoholic beverage) neurotoxicity- hangover!

    • Removes aluminum in neurons.

    • Significantly reduces cluster headaches.

    • As above regarding ALS

Consider adding lithium to your anti-aging regimen if you are not already using it. With these wonderful features of low-dose Lithium, why not add it to your mineral regimen?  Most supplements containing minerals are devoid of this multipurpose mineral.


            Call our office for test kits to evaluate the function and need for vitamins and minerals.  Testing does not include lithium levels. No need for low-dose lithium level testing unless you are using high doses (such as those used for bipolar disorders).,  Telephone: 561-842-7422.

* Jonathan Wright, MD. Notes from his lecture on low dose Lithium found on

** Francesco Fornai 1Patrizia LongoneMichela Ferrucci,   et al. Autophagy and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis: The multiple roles of lithium. Autophagy. 2008 May;4(4):527-30.


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