Three Things that Freak Women Out!

…and what can be done to lessen concern.

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I have noticed over the years that there are three things that absolutely freak women out. They are so nervous and upset by these issues. Let’s discuss them and then discuss how to remedy or remediate them in an attempt to allay their concerns.

They are as follows:

  1. Breast Cancer

  2. Weight Gain

  3. Hair Loss

Breast Cancer: Everyone she knows has had it or is going through it now.

Breast Cancer: Early detection is key, gene testing can assist in the early detection of Breast cancer.

Currently 1 in 8 women in the US will get breast cancer. “Breast cancer death rates have now declined 40% from 1989 to 2016 among women. The progress has been attributed to improvements in early detection.” Let’s spend a moment discussing early detection.  Of course, mammography, thermography, and patient surveillance (inspecting yourself for lumps in the shower, etc) have played a role.

However, in 2022, gene testing for Estrogen metabolism should take it’s place in the forefront of prevention. Over 90% of the breast cancers occur through the abnormal metabolism of estrogen. The BRCA type 1 or type 2 gene mutations are less than 10% of the breast cancers. Over 90% relate to estrogen metabolism. We look specifically at the 90% and offer gene testing for estrogen metabolism through this office.  

Even the rates of the BRCA genes snips (abnormal genes)  have increased over the years and this is also related to environmental exposures that increase estrogens, eg, estrogens in foods, plastics, medicines (medicines can increase estradiol levels from the following: Tylenol, Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, multiple types of antibiotics, anti-fungal medicines, cholesterol lowering medicines, anti-depressants {aren’t you depressed enough about breast cancer, or hair loss?}, anti-psychotics, heart and blood pressure medicines and antacids), and other environmental exposures.

The Estrogen metabolism gene test tells you where your vulnerabilities in your genes are located, and what to do about these abnormal genes so you can avoid getting this cancer. As noted on my website under Gene Testing: “The greatest threat to human beings is to NOT recognize danger in time. Most disease is silent and is not known about until it rears its ugly head. Discover where danger lurks. Take a pro-active approach to your health.”

We have gene test kits. Schedule an appointment today!

Weight Gain: Despite no change to her diet or activity, she’s losing the battle

Weight Gain

Weight Loss: This can be from a vast variety of sources, Adrenal testing should be done to rule out this source.

Sometime this occurs with one or two pounds of added weight. Weight gain can be from a vast variety of sources. I do not profess to be a bariatrician (weight loss doctor), but speaking from a hormone perspective, weight gain occurs from too much Estradiol, too low Progesterone, too low Thyroid hormone, or too high cortisol. As my mentor, Dr. Pamela Smith has said for over a decade, “It’s all about the balance” (sic-of hormones).  Equally as long, many other doctors have ardently lectured that the adrenal glands (stress hormone glands) come first, in terms of treatment. The message is this: TREAT THE ADRENALS FIRST. This is hard to do when patients see abnormal sex hormones and they want to treat them as quickly as possible because of that one- or two-pounds overweight.  When a patient has gained 20 or 30 pounds of extra weight, I have a better chance of having the patient agree for treatment of the adrenal glands first.  

Why is this important to treat the adrenals (stress hormones) first? Because the phenomenon nee cortisol steal (now known as pregnenolone steal) occurs. Since your body has a low amount of cortisol, other hormones (progesterone and pregnenolone) get shunted away from their normal pathways to make cortisol (for survival), but unfortunately, you will gain belly weight until your cortisol is normalized.  

Hair Loss: Can happen at any age; sometimes in her youth, with pregnancies, or her later years for no clear reason.

Uncover possible reasons for hair loss by obtaining hormone testing.

Women are keenly aware and sensitive to this issue. Of course, cancer medicines are notorious for hair loss, and dermatology has a classic book by Elise Olsen, “Disorders of hair growth, diagnosis and treatment”, and this is for diseases of the hair.  Hormonally speaking, hair loss is from anyone, or a combination of the following: high or low Estradiol, high or low Progesterone, high Testosterone, high or low Thyroid hormone, high Cortisol (HIGH STRESS).

We can help you balance these hormones so that you can stop losing abnormal amounts of hair.  


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